Pretty amazing, but not surprising considering the life he has been living. C'mon you have to pay your taxes. The bigger question is the fate of healthcare reform in the US. If you have read his book you have a sense of where he was going and Barney Frank continues to ask if we should be severing the link between healthcare coverage and employment.
Dear Tiger, Your statement regarding your intent to take a break from golf seems to be a very childish reaction to your personal problems. Considering you weren't expected to play again until Feb 2010 what difference does it make except to throw the whole sport into disarray? Your statement should have concentrated on your family. Love and kisses
First of all, it is really good! I look forward to updating this blog with news of the family, travels, and other good things going on with us. It has been awhile! I am planning to use this time to work on our genealogy and retrace as many of our ancestors as possible.